The Dixie Gomez Chronicles: Shot Through

MARTIAN TERRITORIAL LOG: 9 June, 15 MD Becky was probably waiting for breakfast. Normally, Vickie’s headstrong daughter would fix up breakfast herself or just stuff something into her saddle bags for eating on the range later. But today was different, and she’d been promised breakfast. A last home-cooked meal. A last meal? Vickie checked one…

Whitey’s Gift

December 25, 3491 Whitey was a wreck. Born a thousand years earlier on a planet a thousand light years away, the ancient freighter had made a thousand long forgotten runs for hundreds of years, no doubt providing a living for long forgotten crews. Somewhere in its dim history something had happened, and the ship had…

Ghost of Christmas Last

Wednesday, December 25, 2390 Martian Date: Tudec 25, 181 “Gotta bio, Sarge!” Hagan called out, snapping everyone’s attention to him instantly. Fear that death could still reach them, especially now, so close to the end, was a constant companion. “Where?” Sargeant Portyansky hollered back. His platoon of forty marines were the last living souls remaining…

Pinch of Cinnamon

Martian Territorial Log: 6 Tumar, 0010 MD “Reset to…” Roids tapped up the map on his suit’s display and studied it. “Reset to grid 0357S, 08641W, and deep scan.” “Grid reset,” the bike called back over the comlink. “Deep scanning. Negative life signs.” Roids sighed and continued a grid by grid search for Laserface Williams….

Sign of Iron

Martian Territorial Log: 14 Tujan, 0011 MD The sun was still an hour beneath the horizon, but the dust in Mars’ atmosphere rose many kilometers high, so there was already a hazy light flooding the broad plain. Despite the high dust, visibility would have still been good, but the morning fog had spilled over the…